Case Studies  /  Portfolio, Licensing and Development

Assessing strategy across 4 immunology areas to inform franchise and acquisition approach


  • A Global Executive Director for Immunology Strategy at a top 10 pharmaceutical company sought to examine unmet needs, reimbursement landscape (US, EU, Japan) and emerging competitors across 4 immunology therapeutic areas
  • The client needed to understand relative degrees of opportunity and hurdles to inform overall franchise strategy around resource allocation, development thresholds and a potential acquisition


  • Created a strategic framework to compare degree of opportunity by patient subpopulation and therapeutic area
  • Benchmarked clinical outcomes for promising late-stage candidates and interviewed R&D experts to inform development hurdles
  • Guided market research with thought leaders, community physicians and payers to probe unmet needs, shifting treatment algorithms and reimbursement landscape
  • Led multiple cross-functional workshops with R&D, brand, regulatory and market access teams to pressure-test assumptions


  • Our client used output from our analyses to inform minimal and ideal development hurdles (TPPs) and trial design
  • Opus Strategy’s work played an important role in informing a subsequent major immunology acquisition (~$600 MM)

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